Friday, February 20, 2009

Making Design Effective In Bussines

Making design effective in business is not an option! Without effective design solutions businesses will be denying their shareholders of a full and proper return on their investment in it. These are hard words, but the reality is that unless a business capitalises on every resource available it will not sustain differentiation, create competitive advantage, or evolve into a world-class performer. None of these ambitions are achievable without design.

For every company directing and managing design, for every one ensuring all design activity addresses real business issues, for every design consultancy that rigorously delivers the full weight of their creative capability through every design response, there will be an improvement in business performance as a result of using design in a demonstrably effective way.

Key to making design effective for any organisation is the critical need of everyone concerned with the work to understand ‘what success looks like’ before they start. This means ensuring that, before designing starts, both sides of the project team, the client and the designers, have a clear understanding of the criteria by which the design proposals, once they have been produced, will be judged. The responsibility for this happening is ultimately the client commissioning the work; however the designer has the responsibility of ensuring it has happened before designing starts.

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